if i were doing a fi setup on my car i wouldn't go aftermarket. a few hundred bucks and a day at the pull apart you should be able to get a complete set up off of a fox body, plus it's easy'er and cheaper to find parts for a stock setup. you can always upgrade injectors and retune the ecu and find a better flowing intake if you need that. i know i haven't checked prices on everything i listed. but i spent well over $1000 on trying to get my carb setup and working right, between changing springs in the distributor and jets in the carb all the time, im just disgusted. i finally got it running good. but if i do a burn out the engine dies when i take my foot off the gas. i've been fighting these and tons of other drivability problems since i put the motor in the car. i know some of you can tune a carb just by looking at it but when im working with fuel injecton i can read all the sensors on the scanner and know exactly if the motor is running rich or lean or whatever it's doing.
i installed the fast. ezefi retrofit on my comet, just got the engine running yesterday. once i figured out what i f'd up it started right up. I'm using a gt40 intake from a mountaineer, along with the throttle body and injectors. i used a summit distributer and a msd ignition for the tach injection system came with the engine: $800 for the fast setup $100 in my fuel pump and filters. $200 for my distributer $100 for wires $50 for coil i went with a baumann tcu for the 4r70w as well.
Mechcanical hillborn injector set up is only $1870. thats what I ment I wouldnt spend 6885 for a efi.
Thats only the manifold, you still have to buy the pumps and lines, and the timing chain cover/depending on which setup you use. Since those things have a humongous mechanical pump too keep up with the mechanical injection. The smallest mechanical pump they make starts out at $650 and the drive setup is about $425.(thats not counting the metering valves, the shutoff valves or anything else like that...) And if you think it is streetable even hillborn doesnt reccomend to run that setup on the street, that is the whole point of going with an fuel injection setup, for ease not more work. Speaking of which you havent even added in the cost of the pills(injector nozzles) you need 8 of each size(one for each injector, and its going to be different depending on altitude and humidity) and a vacuum guage to set the system up...Or havent you ever seen one of those setups tuned...its not neccisarily an quick and easy process.... Whats really bad is if you change altitude a couple hundred feet and you have to do the whole tuning process all over again.. Of course one of the things too remember too the mechanical fuel injection setups are about power not fuel economy you would be allot further ahead in the fuel economy segment going with a tunnel ram and dual quads.
Part #260-f-8b looks to be all there, puchase a pump thru another company along with a regulator. Ase fare ase pill make your own. But it is more practical to purchase a carb manifold and pump and regulator. Just my opinion!
Awesome you must be a fellow machinist if you can make your own pills. Otherwise you wouldnt be able to hold the the tolerencing of say a .050 dia hole in 8 different pills. So tell me since this is about a streetable unit that will possibly be run in the mountains how is the $2000-$3000 something for a hillborn mechanical just too run still cheaper/as cheap as the "new carb and manifold or efi set up" especially one that is going to actually drive on the street?:16suspect Psst I will give you a hint the Projection III and all the components too make it work, fuel pump and everything is $1,815.00. And he would only have to do the initial tune....http://www.professional-products.com/EFI_3.php
fuel injection is the the way imo as with anything in life if you don't know how it works don't F with it...lol or you could just learn how it works
Uhh no offense, and I know you say your done, but I get the impression you have not dealt with any of the mechanical fuel injection units before and you dont actually know what you need to run one. They are allot different animal then the EFI units, the pumps alone are capable of running 10 Gpm(600 Gph.. gallons per hour) at 100 PSI now compare that to an EFI pump say an Edelbrock 1790 EFI Fuel Pump they rate this for a 500-600 horsepower efi engine, now they flow 80 GPH at 45 psi @ 12 Volts. Do we see a difference here? There is allot more then just buying a mechanical injection manifold slapping an electric fuel pump on and an aeromotive fuel pressure regulator and turning the key, those systems dont work that way, and if you try and set it up like that it wont run for S#$% if it doesnt flood out soo bad because you have to have a constant flow fuel system. So if you dont like what i said take it with a grain of salt and go do your own homework on it, and you might find im right. Otherwise you can just blow off everything I said because you think you know more then I do.
I made 600 horse with a four cyclinder kawasaki, I dont need help in that erea 7.20 188mph.:Handshake
Voted for carb on this thread, but my maverick will be a injected small block and it will not perform ase well ase a carb set nor will it have the fuel mileage of those efi set ups. Just a car I seen in the seventys was a small block hilborn injected Maverick, black and chrome called the fosile but it was also totaled that day for the brakes didnt work.. My choice and that will be all, on to new and better things.. You cant tell me it wont work because rodders have been doing it for years.. I put my two sence in and you dove in to something completly oposite of what i was talking..Go ahead you found a cheaper efi set up, but that wouldnt be my choice. I will give you the win on this one Marcos.:Handshake