From what I can see, the tires have been scraping along the edge of the body, shredding the tread. Does anybody have pics of their stance with new stronger coils by any chance? If by changing the coils it put the nose of the car a lil higher too I think thatd look pretty rad. Appreciate your time! -Andrew (The picture below shows the stance and weight of the front end. This was the day I bought it, but before I removed the engine)
MIne sat that way before I put new coils in. Now I may be too high.. There are several choices of coil ratings to choose from.
Id like to see how high yours sit if you have a picture? I have no idea what I am looking for right now.
Mine doesn't scrape, ever with four people in the car. It's all in tire size, and offset. Careful planning.
Now that I think about it I do remember the orginal owner saying something about how the rear tires are the only orginal tires left on it. I'll take a look at it. Thanks.
In my opinion: Front tires are way too wide and/or too big Front rims are too wide or have too much offset Front end is way too low.
with the right size tire on the proper offset wheel there should be no scraping on the tires under any conditions. i like the stance that the car has in that pic. instead of messing with springs i would get the proper wheels and tires. i dont know what size tires you have or what the dementions of your wheels are, but i would guess that you have the wrong offset wheels.
This is how I rolled lol.. Pic is about 8-10 years old .. I have 4 leaf shackles now. All tires are dry rotted but hold air. Still look new otherwise .
Thats the kinda ride height I like for the front Blugene, so beastly and mean lookin. Not a fan of any of this lowering business.
That is a bonus! We were in my buddies 68 dart comin back from my garage and when we hit this lil bump his headers smashed into the ground sending sparks everywhere haha so brutal.