HI, My 1974 ford Maverick 6L 250ci have a misterious overheating, my car have a new radiator with new 13 lbs cap, new water pump, new thermostat, new hoses (doesnt have electric fan)it have the original belt fan (mechanical), the ignition timing is 6º BTDC and the low iddle speed is 500 rpm, ok when my car is run (non traffic) the engine temperature is 180º F but at iddle stop or heavy traffic the temperature increase 210º-230º F. , I not understand what is hapenning
I know this sounds dumb but have you checked the coolant level lately? It could have burp air from the system.
bryant -Hi thanks, at this moment my car doesnt have a fan shroud I want to buil that one. rthomas771 - Ok I dont know how to purge the cooling system..can you explain me?
Air will work out by itself after a few heat cycles. Keep an eye on the radiator to see if it needs more water/coolant.
Just recently had a problem with the 6 cylinder in my new 90 Jeep with air bubbles or pockets. Had trouble with my in laws Dodge pick up with air in the system after a thermostat change. Took several days of filling, heating and cooling to get all of the air out of it. If you have a mechanical temp. gauge you can tell it is air pockets if the gauge moves erratically up and down pretty often. I had to raise the front of his truck on ramps, pull the cap and let it sit there and run for a couple of hours to burp all of the air out of it. Some cars will over heat in traffic if they don't have a fan shroud. That is for sure clint
thanks friends my radiator is full water/coolant, still i dont have a fan shroud, still my engine temp in heavy traffic is over 210 F
Have you tried burping the radiator, if you just put it in, im thinking you didnt let it run for a while with the cap off.
definitely need a fan shroud..i have a windsor and was having the same problem but got me a shroud and temp stays at 190 with a 160 thermostat about 200 when i push it..
oK after a time I have the fan shorud , I had to build it, and my temp now is 180 F running and 190 F at iddle, sometimes when the clime is hot can up to 210. When my a/c is on at iddle can up to 210 F too.
That's actually not that bad. 230°F is alittle hot for me but I run to about 210°F with my current set up, air cond on in heavy stop and go traffic. A fan shroud should help though.
Several times I've seen people try to run straight antifreeze. Be sure to run it 50/50. Antifreeze is not a good coolant without water and will cause you to overheat. My buddy tore his tractor down 4 times trying to solve a problem that didn't exist due to antifreeze without water. Good luck.