Hey guys. So I got my no power issue worked out- the volt reg to alt wiring harness was shot. Really shot. Ha. So, now the carb is shooting out white smoke after the car starts (easily) and then runs and then stumbles a good bit and dies. Then, the smoke is puffed out. I just converted to pertronix in the 200 straight six. Is there anything I needed to have changed to help it run? It's. 1970 Mav, by the way.
So apparently the smoke originates more from the intake than the carb. I noticed it coming out of the rear of the intake and the hole where the hot air choke tube enters the intake. Still white though. Don't think it's blue.
+1 Id look at the floats too where the needle contacts the float arm, some times you can just bend the tab to adjust the fuel level in the Bowl, When you have the top off the carb to clean it out.
Sounds like the exhaust manifold is cracked internally. There is a passage that goes all the way from the heat tube, through the manifold, and it's supposed to draw fresh air from either a hole in the bottom of the manifold or another tube that installs in the bottom hole. Take the heat tube off and you'll hear a popping noise from the hole with the engine running if the manifold is cracked. 3 things you can do. 1- replace the manifold ( hard ) 2- plug the two holes in the manifold and get a " heat stove kit " to operate the choke. 3- You may be able to get an electric choke replacement for your particular carb, also.
White smoke (steam) is usually caused by water, wether it be from condensation in the exhaust or from coolant being burned from a blown head gasket. Blown head gaskets also cause miss firing. Have you checked your radiator for foaming? or the oil dipstick and valve cover fill cap both for milk chockolate?
I haven't checked my rad for anything lately, but the fill cap and dipstick are both normal. i think... what exactly would "milk chocolate" be?
It would look as if someone literally put chocolate milk in your oil. rather than the clear to black color it usually is.... I read the rest of the post's and realized that you problem sounds like its before the combustion chamber, soo my theory doesn't apply anymore LOL