In order to do the swap are the front and rear valances needed from the 71 bumper??? If so Does anyone have any for sell???
you will need a rear valance. the front valance is different. it will look like a bigger opening than your used to seeing on small bumper cars. check out joe dirts car. its a 73. he did a custom narrowing of the stock bumper and still has the 73 valance. sorry i dont have any for sale.
Yes they are different, and you need to change valances. Ive found a fiberglass company that makes the front!
...the rear is the same the front is least it was on my '73... the rear bumper is the same...
You might want to try tucking the front bumper(moving it closer to the body). I cut 2 1/2 inches out of the mounting bracket and then welded it back together. It made a big improvement in the looks. This was virtually no cost. Sorry I am on vacation right now and don't have any pictures I can post. Lee "THE MAV" Richart