i was thinking of a cherry red w black receing stripes or maybe satin black stripes. so what im trying to ask if some one that is good at photo shop can fix me up a pic so i can see if that the way i want to go and to have some thing to look for and if any one needs a pic jus tell me thank you for any help
Why are you painting a Camaro??? LOL sorry man its the first pic that popped into my head for that combo.
i just like that color combo and no its for my maverick lol here is a pic of whatim thinking but not the rims and not the strip on the side ps and if that is not cherry red what is it?
email me some pics, the higher the resolution the better. acmav289@yahoo.com then when i have some free time tomorrow ill color change them. I dont know how to do stripes, but i'm sure i can figure it out.
Chris is it possible for you to take pictures out in the open with natural light? The flash in the pictures you sent me is messing up the process, this was the best I could do so far: Also the quarter panel picture you sent me didn't work out, I don't know why but it will just not take to color changing. Luckily the other picture worked out much better. Also make sure the camera is not in the macro setting(which is the one that looks like a flower) if that's turned "on" turn it off, or set it to "auto". Feel free to send me more pics!