So I just got back from college today and decided to take the comet out for a drive for the first time in about 3 weeks. It started fine and everything seemed good but then i noticed a pretty large amount of what seemed to be condensation coming from the exhaust which seems odd cause its about 80 degrees here. I shut it off and noticed the motor seemed to be hotter than normal. I checked for leaks but the only leak is a tiny bit of tranny fluid and a little oil from the rear main seal. I thought maybe head gasket but im not sure. Any help is appreciated!!!
What is hotter than normal? Do you have a temp gauge? Check the oil and make sure it is not foamy, check the coolant to make sure it is not low. If you were burning enough coolant to cause steam, it will smell very sweet.
I guess I should add that me and my a buddy who is a certified mechanic had the heads rebuilt about 1000 or so miles ago and replaced the head gaskets. Which is also why im skeptical that its a head gasket. We were pretty careful installing them and torquing them correctly. Im stumped, the car still seems to run great.
Just keep an eye on it. You can always pull your plugs and see if they are showing signs of burning coolant.
Ill be sure to keep an eye on it. Ill run it again tomorrow and see if anything changes with the oil or coolant. Fingers crossed its not the head gasket cause i dont really have the time to pull the heads again
On a side note, which college are you returning from? I graduate this May from University of MD. Are you home for the summer?
Oddly mine did the same thing when i bought mine 8 months ago and i was stumped I checked everything and looked at the service records and nothing out of the ordinary, so i finally gave up and poured a bottle of Heet in the tank and it went away....go figure one note i live in mid Michigan Frank
Thanks for the help! Im just gonna drive it around the block and see what happens. And ya im back for the summer. I just finished my first year at Auburn
chances are there was a good amount of water in your exhaust system from condensation forming from when the car was parked. it may have been trapped in the mufflers. its also possible there could have been water in the fuel from condensation. keep driving and checking the fluids. chances are it will just go away if it hasnt already.
Update- Checked all fluids this morning and everything looked fine, started it up no steam at all. Took it for a drive and all is good. It was almost out of gas so I filled it up and it seemed to run a little better afterwards which leads me to think there was just some water in the gas. Glad it wasnt anything big. Thanks for all the help!