while removing my turn signal switch from the column (floor shift column) and the turn signal cam from the switch a thin piece of metal fell out and I do not know where it came from. Its about 1"1/4 from left to right and about 1/8" from top to bottom and real thin. It looks like it could go behind the cam (plastic piece) as there appears to be a couple of ears that would hold it in place. Cant find it in a diagram anywhere. Any help much appreciated
Looks like this? That is the cam spring. I did a tech on these things a few years ago. http://www.maverick.to/mmb/showthread.php?t=78747&highlight=signal+cam
Thats the part (cam spring), thanks. I am back together but no blinkers (checked fuse too). I started with working blinkers but a broken blinker cam and tempermental ignition switch. Have replaced cam (wired it properly) and new ignition switch is working fine. Not sure what to look for next other than replace the whole dam blinker switch (maybe I had the spring clip in wrong and it zapped switch out?) Maybe an adjustment issue with the iginition switch (it slides for adjustment), but if it were that why would all positions on the ignition switch be working correctly. Any other dummy checks I can do before buying a new switch?
Eric. Thanks again for your help and extremely useful photos. I am back in action! Ended up bailing on my old turn signal switch (that I put the new cam into) becuase even when I placed the cam spring in its rightful position, the switch still didn't cancel out and had other issues. I remembered a 70 maverick in a pick and pull near me and amazingly the trun signal switch was in great shape (and it was an OEM one too). Installed that, plus the new ignition switch and whala, turn signals, brake lights etc... and now that the ignitiion switch is adjusted properly, I even have an accessory position. Have a great cruise season!
Awesome - glad it worked out and you found a different one. That turn signal switch controls so many circuits of the lighting system. When something fries inside it is almost impossible to repair. The cam replacement works OK for a broken cam, but when the wiring itself is bad replacement is about the only option. To make it all worse, Ford used many different switches, even in the same model year. So getting the right one from the bone yard is a great find!