yes i do mean a bolted cover. and no all rear ends do not have this. the ford 8" and 9" are a drop out third member style. the section that contains the gears bearings and differential is in its own case the bolts into the front side of the housing. this is a 9"
no cover on the back of the 9" or the 8" i would suggest putting as little money as possible into your 7.25. the only parts available for it are bearings. you can not get any different gear ratios or any other new parts for it. this would be a good time to find a full 8" rear end to swap into it. the 4 lug ones can be had for very cheap. most people give them away because they want the 5 lug ones.
First off: If the rear axle to your car is is an 8"...not a 7.25. I am talking about the ENTIRE rear axle....not just parts to fix yours. Email me DIRECTLY (see below) and I can help you out.
found a ford 9'' with gear, disc brakes, calipers, rotors, axles for $450 obo. Not sure what its worth what do you guys think? Is there any modifications that need to be done when changing the rear end? drive shaft bolts up the same?
I may have said this wrong, but what I was trying to convey is that if you have one side of the car jacked up, it can still roll off the jack even though it's in park. The raised wheel will turn ( with a standard differential ). Believe me I had it happen! I've learned a lot over the years! Always put the e-brake on too!
What kind of car is it of of? Could be too wide. Are you going to run 4-lug drums on the front and 5-lug disc on the back? If the 9" needs to be rebuilt, needs new brakes, etc....I think you will find it all to be big bucks and hard to find.
If it's out of a late 70's LIncoln Versailles, Merc Monarch or Ford Granada, it'll bolt right in with a few minimal mods. Only drawback (if you want quicker accelleration) is the gear ratios in these, it'll have either 2.50's or 275's. May even have a traction loc differential.
Ah I see I guess I just figured all the 9'' rear ends would be the same. If its too wide then thats the only issue? the tires would stick out? If it is ill have the guy measure it.
ok so i have an 8'' like the top rear end in the pic. been busy so just got around to getting the car up. I noticed something odd while under there. the shock on the passenger side is in front of the axle while the driver side is behind it. Is it supposed to be like that? On another note just wondering how to check if the axle moved on the leaf springs and maybe that is causing my issue or maybe i messed something else up. Not sure how to check if the axle is bent. looks ok to me?
those are staggered shocks and that is standard for mavericks the best way to check to see if the axle is bent is with a dial indicator. jack car up secure on jack stands remove suspect wheel and drum attach dial indicator to backing plate position tip of dial indicator on the outer edge of the face of the flange. have someone rotate the other sides tire and watch the indicator. any run out over .005 is too much.
no idea what a dial indicator is or how to set it up. What is it and any pics on setting it up? Any other components that could have been damaged and cause the wheel to wobble? like the brake drum housing or? Under further inspection i noticed- and bear with me i dont know the technical terms- that the out drum/cover doesnt line up with the back of the drum lip evenly. At one point it is even or lined up like i think it should be and the rest of it looks like the drum cover is being pulled off but it wont go on any further. Any ideas? Im going to remove the cover to see if somethings askew inside