i bought some parts from a man here in mexico i'll upload some pictures cheers 1-front spoiler 2-grabber tail
Ive tried to make some connections in Mexico to get parts. But people Ive talked to down there dont seem to understand how they could benefit from such a venture. Maybe Im mistaken in thinking there would be any down there. Is there such a thing as salvage yards down there?
Someone from Mexico posted some photos from a yard down there. I can't remember who, but the cars didn't look too bad. This particular yard had mostly all Comets and Mavericks.
why?? is it from someone around here ? ive seen that pic for so long around internet and i love that car, this time it was posted in the seller of the parts add, i like the rear glass cortine, hope you understand
what do you mean by salvage yard? is ir like a junk yard? old and abandoned cars? there is a lot of that around here, what parts where you searching for? maybe i can help
yep theres a lot of yunk yards here and almost everyone has maverick parts or cars, in some of them you can be surprised by the good way the cars are kept
Not looking for anything in peticular right now. Im working on getting a passport so I can go down and look. Where are you in Mexico?
There are a lot of parts here in Mexico, in all the country. If you need something we could help you guys. Market here in mexico is very different some parts are inexpensive compared to the US. And some parts are very expensive compared to the US. That is the case with the grabber hood surely i will pay 600 dlrs for a Maverickman hood. Here in Mexico sometimes you can find people selling those kind of hoods around the 700 dlrs. to 1200 dlrs. Regards
That is a chin spoiler is made on fiber glass it looks like a 73 mach 1 and also the grabber spoiler, he also fabricate the comet gt hood scoop , i have heard from several guys that bought does products that they need a lot of work to make them fit. Regards
Ray Parrish (rayzorsharp) owns and built the car. Here's his profile: http://mmb.maverick.to/member.php?u=54 -Scott H.
Dang I wish I would of known about this sooner, my cousin went down there for vacation he could of picked one up for me!