so i just managed to lock my keys in my car and can't find the spares...i do own a slim jim, where is the bar in the door i need to catch at(close proximity)? or is there a easier way to get in besides paying someone. Thanks in advance!
are your vent windows latched? If they arent and you can get them open then you can pop out the roll pin in the hinge and open it up enough to get your arm in there. Did it at the lake once with a plastic fork and a rock.
The catch is 1-2 inches to the left of the pull latch. And about 8-9 inch's down. I just went and looked at my 71 the door panel is still off. Or just fish around with it gently moving it up and down and back and forth across the top of the door panel till you catch something to pull up on. Its one of the reasons I wont lock my door anymore. The other is, don't like replacing broken windows when someone decides to get into my car with no keys or slim jim.
with a slim jim go 2 inches to the left of the key insert, straight down halfway down the slim jim into the door, come back up angled to the right in a slow steady motion. you should catch the bar. Can't recall though if its a left or right activated bar. It's worked for me enough times. I have a slim jim hidden in the rear bumper of every car I own for a dumb reason.
yea i keep mine unlatched and one of the pins half way in lol hate to here the bad news but once u learn u wont forget
I used to do that. Then I broke out 3 windows in 1 weekend at a campground because other people locked keys in their cars. I put this along with always running around with tow ropes and stuff in my truck. Never know when someone else is gonna be just as dumb as you may be someday.
thanks guys...i would usually keep the windows open but it's been in my driveway as i've been putting the 9" in..awaiting the motor and trans. motors been done for 2 months. trans will be here in 2 weeks BUT i got it open guys, thanks for the good directions for the bar..i popped off the door panel right after so i now know exactly where it is for future in case i close the vent windows. and Big- i have no bumpers on the car right now
Well how kind of you! Looking out for you fellow citizen's. I should put my set in my trunk. Not that I have ever ran into someone else with this issue while out and about. Just a matter of time I guess.
no hood on it either lol. car is half disassembled for the ease of motor/trans install and whatever else i felt like changing at the time. ill prob end up wiring one to the frame underneath somewhere.
If the car is disasembled you may want to just disable the locks for awhile. I say that because I am the kind of person who the only time I ever lock my door seems to be when the keys are inside.
i agree y r u locking it up and ways its not like people will get in it and drive off bananamanbananaman:bananaman