So the general thoughts are that its not a Classic or a Muscle car. Maybe were trying to catagorize it with the wrong two terms. It is a Pony car thats light and nimble. . Does that make it a Sport car? Or just a car that had a lot of potential from the factory that got the executives at Ford scared it would compete too well against the Mustang?
The Maverick/Comet was an entry level (low priced), economical car that replaced the Falcon back in 1970. These cars have gained popularity because of many factors. I don't know what the term should be to describe them. Thrifty Sports Coupe?
I hate 4chan users... just saying. They are behind those pictures...saw a motivational poster at their therapist and copied it to annoy people.
Well... the filth has spread. Go hose yourself off with airline stripper And seriously the retarded cousin? Do you hate your car that much? Now if you would of said The Shelby De Mexico Maverick, the half cousin twice removed... on the neighbors side to Mustang. I might of laughed.
That would be right at home on the mustang forums. I doubt gunslinger68 will be re posting this any time soon.