well I'm getting nowhere with this... low side...12 high side...325 suction line freezing up... discharge line from compressor to condenser...hose end at condenser end 22 degrees cooler than compressor end... 9 degrees different between inlet and outlet on condenser...(with fan running) charge reads...in the red...when first starting car...2 mins later down to..12 I did have...40 degree inside vent temp yesterday......65 today when I look at the...troubleshooting list...I have 8 out of 10...of the problems... new...hoses...expansion valve...compressor...drier...trinary switch...condenser and A/C gauges... ...
thank you for saying it again...:Handshake with everything new it just doesn't make sense that something would be restricting flow... I'm going to pull everything from the compressor to the drier tomorrow and see if anything is there... ......
A/C compressors are a piece of cake and practically free (...when you compare to all of the engines and transmissions you have changed in that Maverick!)
Is the dryer new? or one you've been using? Check the expansion valve, have a good look inside the ports. The time we get super high head, and low suction, it's usually something in the metering device. I wish I was closer, it would be fun to find the problem, a challenge is always good.
new dryer...new expanion valve... but will check it anyway...thanks... when is your next trip South...
you and Dave may be on to something.. there was a restriction in the system...OIL... when I took it apart today there was oil everywhere...it ran out of the lines, expansion valve, dryer and condenser...:Handshake I have two puddles under the car and oil all over everything... I will pull it down tomorrow and see what happens...
I recall that alot of parts and instructions tell you to add a certain ammount of oil but hardly ever do you see where there is any warning or caution about not adding if there is not a need. ALSO, some compressors come with the oil already in it and some do not. BUT seems I always see a card or note that "You must add oil". This can be misguideing to an inexperienced person or just someone who wants to fix his own. When I experience a system I don't know how much is in it, I flush and start over. I "assume" the compressor has "some" and deduct about half of what it would hold it's self. Without removeing the compressor it is impossible to know if it is empty.. And even then it will have residule.. Oil can be tricky but to me as long as I am close and not over I never have a problem with it coming back due to not enough oil issues.