As I have been looking at Mavericks and Mustangs I have realised something... a lot of them are automatic. Probally becuause it was the hot new thing back then... but anyways.... Most car people say that manuals are better... why is that exactelly? I know that techinally you have more control of the car... and it is cool/fun to use when you are good at it... but doesn't it all come down to shifting at a certian RPM? I mean what is the big difference between IT shifting at the "perfect" RPM and YOU shifting at the "perfect" RPM?
It's mostly personal preference but standard shift cars seem sportier to me. Nothing beats an automatic before commuting though ..
in my opinion you have alot more control as far as down shifting double clutching and it is also safer if your brakes go out. and i would like to add do to the better control you can make the car do what ever you feel like such as one moment you can dragg it and the next you can dive it on the road with out using exesive gas if you have an auto and you drag it your tourqe converter will hgave a higher stall and you will use more gas pluss i just love manuals so i find any exuse i can to drive one even if it isnt mine
In my humble opinion, automatics are fun if you have lots of power, but a standard transmission can make even the most gutless vehicle seem fun to drive.
true! it also makes a car feel faster then it really is. i swore my friends mustang felt way faster then my car.. however i kicked his but like he was standing still (put that mustang where it belonged... lol) also a manual for example, if you put a T-5 behind your car it would be really nice on the fwy, low rpms, you could gear the car lower, as well as someone meantioned gas mileage.. however if your worried about gas mileage you shouldn't be driving one of these cars in the first place. if you love road racing then yeah a manual is also the way to go! i like automatics myself... and at the drags nothing is more consitant than an automatic one day when i got the money it would be nice to do a six speed
Manual is better I think. You can get the power to the ground in many different ways and is a more direct output with out the slush box problem. but then I go and buy an AOD to put in my
yup... personal preference... manual is a LOT more fun...but they sure do SUCK in stop n go commuting traffic. especially on the garden state parkway (nj) when it routinely takes 30 minutes to go 5 miles automatic is best then. i have the solution to the age old debate...have at least one maverick with a stick, one with an auto.
Humm well thanks guys. I was thinking if I should find an automatic or manual... and I am mostelly doing driving around town... so automatic it is.
Wow - I didn't see the most obvious answer to why so many cars have automatics. It is Women drivers. Now I'm not saying that all women can't drive a stick. There are lots of women that do it quite well. But come on, be real. Have you ever went car shopping with a wife or girlfriend? As soon as they see it is a manual they walk away from it and start looking at other cars. Women as a group do not like driving a stick, so we live with automatics in our muscle cars and big 4x4 trucks. Also, anybody that uses a manual in a city commuting car, gets real sick of shifting while trying to drink their morning coffee and eat a McBagel sandwich on the way to work
I believe it comes down to personal preference only. for me: drag racing - automatic road racing - manual daily driver (in traffic) - automatic
My thoughts exactly......But it is a matter of personal preferance .I like my full manual C-4 that is in my car now, But I sure had fun back in the eighties when I had a "built" 289 with a toploader 4 speed behind it!
IMHO. With a manual trans, you can shift it for performance or shift it for economy. With an auto, if you build the trans for performance, you never really get too much economy and if you don't build it you don't get very much performance either.
Rowing your own is fuuuuun. Ive had autos that were fun too, but the car better be dang fast. A car with less than 300 horses and an auto = boring IMO. Autos suck up power, where a stick passes it on down to the wheels I will always have a stick from now on, but I may get an additional car with an auto to tool around with one day. AC