Let me first introduce myself. First and most important is I'm an owner of a 1973 Maverick 2 Door w/ 250 auto. I live in Virginia on the coast and am 32 years young. Not married and no little ones...but plenty of time to tinker with Ol Nellie..my Mav. Thats her name. Well, at least on the weekends anyway You know, I was a member at the Clifford boards and one like this awile back and I thought this was the same place. I remember Craig Selby at Craigs Maverick Corral as I bought stuff from him. I remember Inliner, Mav Man ...can't think right now but there were a few people who helped me out when I was needing AOD install info. I'm glad that we still have a place like this as I'm just now..after 4 years, getting ready to finally start the engine/tranny swap It's still going to be another 250 with an 85 AOD tranny. Anyway, I will be needing help again and I guess I should post my questions in the proper forums. Thank you all for keeping this alive!
Welcome to the board Ronn. Believe me, if you have a question, the answer will be found here. Good to have you here.
Hey there he is. Sorry, mispelled your last name These are older photos from a couple months ago..car is very dirty as I live on a long dirt lane. Hood is off to make room for 2 barrel carb tune up before installing on new engine. Body work will be done eventually. As an added bonus...heres a little something else we have very near by
hi ronn, welcome to the board. i've got a 73 2dr that i'm gonna change out to a 302 in the near future. lots of people from virginia on here. i'm going to virginia beach this jan to visit my mom. she'll be 90 on jan 7th.
Welcome aboard Ronn, That sure will be a nice car. BTW, Im compiling a 1973 Ford Maverick Registry, If you wouldnt mind could you please give me the following information so I can add your 73 to the registry. Factory Engine,Assembly Plant,Color Code. Thanks.