This Maverick was at the show today. .060 over 302 that sounded healthy! He said he built it for a street and strip car. It was sure nice!
Beautiful well engineered car Did anyone check out the shock towers? Looks like the old Super Stock method of making extra room for bigger engines
Looks like a little bit of overkill for me for a 302 motor. I would like to see a timeslip to see if it merits all the bars and tire it has. Now a nice 347 built with NOS and I could see it.
You know, I was talking to him and taking pics and didn't even notice the towers until I downloaded them from the camera! Car was just recently finished, not registered yet and hasn't made a pass down the track yet.
Yeah it looks like some sort of "clip" from another car was welded in there. Notice the drivers side at the bottom of the towers where it looks like another frame rail was grafted in. There are no visible shock or strut mounts inside the engine bay. I find it interesting and it makes me curious what suspension it has.