Well...I locked my keys in the car just before the cruise, so we all got to answer that question. Pics basically give it away The ONLY thing left open on the car was the small window on the passenger side. Heres a picture of everybody trying to gather pieces to make a device to unlock the door after trying everybodys ford keys and digging around for a good tool we couldn't come up anything that would work...Then along comes this device as we see Cliff demonstrating it. It was built to reach through the window then be able to turn the corner. (It has a magnet on the end) Its a little bit difficult to see in this picture but this is a shot of the actual 'catch' of the key ring off the front seat! The next obsticle being getting them off the front seat and back to the window where we could snag them! image upload And sure enough. The results shown by Micheal! jpg upload Oh yeah and we went cruisin! upload pictures
Thats some creativity. Next time just take a small srewdriver and tap the roll pin out of the vent window hinge. Then it open up more and you can get your arm in to unlock the door. You can even use a prong from a plastic fork and a rock.
That's a new way of doing it. I have locked my keys in the car before and I use a coat hanger and slip it in the door to unlock it, just like a slim jim.
Nice shots. Had me laughing. Looks like good camaraderie and lots of fun. Last picture sums up what its all about. You guys ever hear of a magnetic Hide-A-Key?
Trust me a coat hanger was the first thing we looked for This was like one of those games that you put a quarter in and try to pick up a stuffed animal, only with a twist because the person trying to snag the keys could not see them and had to be given directions from another person, snagged them once and they dropped and almost went down beside door and seat. Had to be very careful to keep magnet away from door so it would not stick to it, sorta like that old childhood game called Operation. You would have thought with all the Maverick keys around one would have work I must say there is never a dull moment when Matt is around
I removed the frigging locking mech in my car. Why bother? Its not going to stop anyone, other than honest people from getting in. Just saying, I have never understood the locking doors thing. Honest people wont come in, dishonest will do WHATEVER it takes to get in. So avoid the hassle..