for EFI you have to run at least one. You can tie the signal wires together and run only one O2 and be OK. make sure the sensor is as close to the engine as possible and not on the very bottom of the pipe.
it will run with out the o2 sensors. it wont run as well as it can. i would put the wiring in for the o2 sensors, then when you get it running, goto an exhaust shop and have them weld in the o2 sensor bungs and put the o2 sensors in.
ok cool on my wiring harness its says kapwr-black/orange and..............................................fpm-pink/black........what does that mean..iam runing it to my fuel relay but not shore where it goes on my relay 30,or 26.....
What year make and model ECM and wiring harnes are you using? When I get home I'll post up the schematic's.
I can also burn a chip to adjust for a larger MAF or injectors and delete EGR, air pump, and perg valve. I'm still at the airport but I'll post up the schematic soon.
yes you can delete the egr. the car will still run. now you will get better gas mileage with the egr than you will with out it. the computer controlled egr systems work well when properly set up.
On one of my project cars I deleted the EGR only because I didn't have the tube for it. Eventually I made a new tube and reprogrammed the ECM for the EGR. There were no noticeable performance differences but I did gain 2mpg's in city mileage.