Homemade duals,anybody ever seen this before ?http://mmb.maverick.to/attachment.php?attachmentid=55650&stc=1&d=1338563851
Nope.. that's a new one on me. Definately some old school cast iron trickery going on there. lol Sure as hell wouldn't hurt flow vs the stock config.. that's for sure.
I can tell a big difference between this engine and my other car with the same 200 but without the mods, engine also has a different carb on it.I'm pretty sure this engine is breathing better, I plan on put this engine and trans in my other car. I was kinda surprised to see this when I bought the car,kinda old school I think.Didn't know if anybody had ever seen or did this before so I thought I'd ask,you never know
I have know idea,I bought the car from a farmer. His daughter drove the car until it got hit in the rear so he bought her another car.But I don't think her boyfriend was to happy about her daddy selling the car, so as far as knowing anything except what I see I have no idea,but they sure didn't hurt it
well for what ever reason it helped the engine and that's always a good thing.I'm 51 years old and never seen this before just wondered if anyone had seen it done. I think it took some imagination.
You have to admire someone with the mindset to improve upon their 6 cylinder when the much easier solution, if you're looking for more power, is to simply replace it with a V8 - you don't see this kind if modifications very often
Back in high school I ran a 1950 Plymouth and my friend ran a 1948 Plymouth. We both ran the flat head sixes. We built a set of headers for his car but my dad wouldn't let us do that for mine. I did talk him into "splitting the manifold" which is what appears to have been done on the above six. It was a matter of cutting up two exhaust manifolds and brazing in the exhaust turn downs. Boy were those two cars loud. From the split manifold we ran just enough pipe to turn rearward, put a cherry bomb on and then a set of turn downs. Never had any problems with the split manifold the whole time I had the car. By the way, not that terribly long ago - 1982.
my dad built this one back in 1985 for my 67 mustang. it is now on my 64 ranchero they sound great and do help the breathing .
engine has a 2 bbl on it also so that a good thing also, found this trying to climb in the car while i was under it today,good thing it didn't climb up my pant leg lol would have been a mess