what wires do i run from ecu to my fuel pump relay..ive swaped a 91 5.0 ho mustang motor into my maverick...
ok according to the wiring diagrams on this page http://www.veryuseful.com/mustang/tech/engine/ 91 was a transition year. so there are two possible wiring diagrams for your 91 efi. the diagram that i had posted in the earlier post was the 91 and older one. if that one didnt make sense then you most likely have the 91-93 wiring and need to reference this one
then it should be the tan wire with a light green tracer on it that goes to pin 22 in the computer. run the tan wire to what would be post #4 in that diagram above. post #3 should be the wire from the pcm relay. post #2 should goto the fuel pump + side post #1 should come from a fuse that goes to the battery. you should be able finish the wiring of the fuel pump relay from either wiring diagram.
pcm and eec are the same. the posts in the diagram above are the same. that diagram just used the numbers 1-5. the posts in both these operate the same, just numbered differently. note, do not pay attention to what the instructions on these pics say. i just used them because they were what i could find to show post numbers.