well me and my dad went for a road trip in my car yesterday and had nuthen but problems first off bolt fell out of alternator bracket so we went to a parts house to get a bolt got that fix then went about 40 miles for gas tank band to fall off and come plum out from under the car so i found some wire in the trunk and wired it up then got back in the car to find out it wouldnt start battery drained no big deal we rolled the car off and went about a mile down the road i told my dad to pull over so i could check battery cable ends we pull over just to find out the the fan belt had come off the crank i put the belt back on and we roll the car back off and drove about 9 mile then the fan belt broke so i found a small rope and tied around crank a and water put we turn around to try to get back to the parts house close by......we only made it about a mile then it broke so i look in the car looking for some thing i seen some zip ties in the floor board so i put them around around the crank and water pump and we was on the road again we stop about 3 miles to check the zip tie fan belt out it was still on so then we head to the nearest town about 10 miles from where we r at we get there just to find that they are close so we back track about 25 mile to anuther city to the parts house its dark by now we wasnt running head light we got about a mile from the parts house and got pulled over and the cops let us go after they seen our zip tie fan belt so we get to the parts house get a fan belt get jumped off we get all they back to over town me and dad was talking about every thing that had happend and dad said i dont know the gas tank hasnt fell off and right after he got the woeds out of his mouth it fell out quick fixs and we drive on home all in all zip tie work great for a quick fix to get to a part house when a fan belt break id say u could drive a easy 40 mile on them
The fact that you made a continuous run on sentence out of a day of continuous problems made it especially fun to read. Good story.
yea sounds like u have been there yea me to thats just a mouth full of word i say all that in one breath
o just wait it might get worst yea i no the day i drive every thing is all good make it worth it which is very few
And I thought I was the only one that had a gas tank fall out! Cody, ya just got to work the bugs out! Didn't sound too bad for a first drive! You made it back home driving the car!
first drive nah i done put 400 mile on this motor.... this was the first road trip with my dad and fyi the tank fell down not out i had it wired up but ill have no more problems out of it i welded the bolts in and doubled the nuts up on each side :evilsmile