I just got my trans back yesterday and ordering my converter tomorrow..the guy who build my trans suggested the transmission fluid he had at the shop..i took a pic of the bucket of it and its labeled Mobil Delvac sythetic automatic transmission fluid- then he informed me its 190 dollars for 20L pail and that's the smallest size it comes in..seems a bit high for me, i was thinking of running regular ATF which i can get a 20L pail for 40 dollars..what do you guys use? should i really be spending a crazy amount just on fluid..?
It really depends on what the builder tells you to use. He installed the parts so he should know what fluid they take.
agree...he's the one standing behind the transmission build... my Guy suggested...Mercron/Dextron III ...C-4 and AOD... 700R4...Mobil synthetic...
I had a problem at the strip with store brand Type F. I now use Valvoline. Got it twice from Amazon [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Valvoline-Automatic-Transmission-Twelve-Bottles/dp/B000CQ6L46/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1338817029&sr=8-1"]Amazon.com: Valvoline VV341 Automatic Transmission Fluid Type F, Pack of Twelve 1 Quart Bottles: Automotive[/ame] When I bought it, the picture was of a Type F bottle. Probably just used the wrong picture this time.
If he soaked the clutches in that fluid, better use the same. Check most big tranny makers and they pretty much say type F is the best.
I use a Super Secret Brand..................but it is petroleum based.....Mike's Transmission who rebuilt the Ultra Glide said use his brand and the trans has a warranty, without........................not so much, so I bought his brand, which comes out to about $8/qt................the other transmission he built lasted 10 years.......................so it must be good stuff. But like everyone else has said, whatever the builder recommends....get!
if I may be Frank with you, I think I have a gallon in the shop. you can have it if we can find a way to get it to you... ...:Handshake...