wiring 2g alternater in my efi swap i swapped a 91 ford 5.0 mustang motor in my maverick but dont know how to wire up alternater its a 3g do they sell a install kit or does someone have a wright up on it
Since you have a 5.0L EFI setup this article should work http://www.mustang50magazine.com/techarticles/m5lp_0806_fox_mustang_alternator/viewall.html
All you need is a little plug with a red and white wire from the auto parts store. Costs about 78 cents. The rest is just wiring.
take it to a alt.shop and have them rework your alt to a one wire hookup .it is a small reg. they install in your alt .and works grate i did mine 5 or 6 years ago and never touched it again
The 3G alt already has an internal regulator, there's only like 3 wires. It's not worth paying someone to do it for you, you can even tuck the wires so no one sees them.
Now since you are doing an efi conversion Im just curious why you arent useing the factory harness also for that part too. Well anyways a few companies make a conversion harness for the ford 1G to 3G alternators all you have to do for the most part is plug and play.... http://store.alternatorparts.com/part-925606-ford-repair-plug-combo-for-3g-series-alternators.aspx http://www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Mustan...Parts_Accessories&hash=item35b9e2571e&vxp=mtr
All I used was this... Duralast Pigtail $2.99 at autozone. White wire goes to ALT light, if you want it to, the red goes to the one-wire screw, then a heavier wire goes from battery to one-wire screw. Done. 14.5 Volts. 65 Amps, GM 1-wire alternator part number 213-4011 from NAPA, $40 after core exchange.
But why would he downgrade and put a 65 amp alternator in when he already has atleast an 75+ Amp alternator if he has the stock 2G alternator and potentially 130 to 150 amps for a 3G alternator, either one is guaranteed to put out enough power to run the fuel injection and a stereo at the same time.
I didn't realize mine was not 3G until I looked up the specs. But I left the info up on my swap just in case someone reads this and says "Wow! I can upgrade to a single wire stronger and more modern alternator for $43!" Going to be a much cheaper project than the one he is trying to do.
only when people put too much of a draw on them, you know like two or three amps and a giant stereo, then an aftermarket ignition and two or three fuel pumps don't help. But then again all alternators do that.....yes even the 1 wire GM alternators... this is why fuseable links are built into the car The original 75 amp alternators ran the car just fine in stock or mildly modified states. It just became a common appearance in the fox body mustangs because of all the bolt on upgrades that became available for those cars and the popularity of them, and the fact that allot of people were bypassing the factory fuseable links to put more power to other systems. Or they were using old corroded wiring seems too be another part of it.....
Alt.wiring HAVE YOUR ALT.WIRED FOR A 1 WIRE ONLY ONE WIRE WILL BE ALL YOU WILL NEED. this will eliminate your voltage reg .I don my comet and my chevrolet years ago and have not touched either one since it cost me about $25.00 and was wll worth it .
Alt.wiring HAVE YOUR ALT.WIRED FOR A 1 WIRE. ONLY ONE WIRE WILL BE ALL YOU WILL NEED. this will eliminate your voltage reg .I done my comet and my chevrolet years ago and have not touched either one since it cost me about $25.00 and was wll worth it .