Couldn't keep up with them! They had to be doing 80 to 90 mph steady. I had to hit 100 to get next to them so my sister could try to snap a side pic. I was driving my sisters Civic..
very nice car...looks like that repop scoop someone posted here before! looks damn good...Same rims as me!
Wow Gene, glad to know you only drive cars with flowers on the dash and don't actually own one.. That is a nice color on that Maverick.
Nice car. Glad it was you doing 100mph. I couldn't afford the fine around here. And the insurance hike.
I snapped this pic of the same car back in June 2010 when the Power Tour passed through Chattanooga, TN. It's a '69.5 with a 302/5 speed swap.
If I remember right, he's from Minnesota. The car is Vermillion Red and running a Tremec 5 speed and if I remembered right a 347, but maybe a 302. Talked to him on Power Tour this past week. btw, only saw 2 Mavericks out of 3600 registered cars.
Yep that was us! You remember correctly it is a 347 5 spd with a 9 inch. Blugene I remember you trying to stay with us because we were flying down the road; your little car was keeping up pretty good! Good estimate on the speed becasue my wife was tellling me to keep it under 100. The car has legs.... ra3spd are you the red 72 Grabber I met in Joplin?
We were driving the last leg of the PowerTour and heading for Arlington TX. We had been driving the posted route for the tour which was mostly two lane roads until we hit the interstate. I opened it up to make some time...