Where did you guys find a box big enough? I have gone all around town and I haven't been able to find one, nor those sheets of cardbord. They used to sell them at the office supply store but not anymore Went to a wheel shop and even their 24" wheel boxes aren't big enough. I'm turning my storage room into a photo studio so I need to get rid of everything in there. I'm going to post all the car related stuff in the classifieds in a while.
Try a search for pallet liners - they are large (44x42") sheets of cardboard that go on a pallet to prevent stuff from falling through. You could make a box out of two of them taped together. If you know anyone who runs a warehouse or loading dock, they should have plenty of them. You might also try places like Home Depot or any wholesale club (BJs, Costco, etc.)
carefully straighten them out, put them in a piece of 2.5" PVC pipe, put an end cap on each end. tape the address on the side of the pipe...wala a round box... ...:Handshake...
I had bought a roll of courgated cardboard in the past for a float project. The left over is still around so I used it for the last set I mailed. It is not cheap but can be used for alot of packaging and comes in handy for other things. I picked up my roll from a location in Dallas, not sure if someone around you has it.. I bought the 36" roll "A flute".. http://www.papermart.com/Product%20Pages/Product.aspx?GroupID=18926&ParentGroupID=18927
Appliance stores have the big cardboard boxes that refridgerators come in. And washers and dryers. Might get the box that a shower enclosure came in. Personally, I think a sheet of luan plywood might be better. It wouldn't allow the mouldings to get bent by the ham hocks of the delivery folks....
One of them "ham hocks" has big feet and he accidently kicked and broke the foot off of a lion on our porch :16suspect. I was peeved but he was trying not to walk across the yard. So for his effort to being curtious I let it slide. He is a little more careful when he comes here now and has appoligized several times since..
As a representative of large footed americans everywhere (I'm a size 17) I appreciate you not blowing up on some poor guy because your porch discriminates against who can be on it by being too cluttered. Also, I would suggest a flat screen TV box. I mean my 40" came in a box big enough to fit a 60" in. You should be able to score one super easy. And it may come with some nice packing materials too.
My wife works at a printing shop ... and I mean one that still has printing presses. So much in that industry has changed to all digital, etc. If you can find one of these shops, you want boxes that printing plates come in. I have a few here that probably 36x48x 2. They are pretty tough, too. A box of plates is some $$$s and need to be kept perfect. They are also really good to set up as a shield if you have to spray paint something large. Solid back, and the front opens up, so you end up with a 6x4' piece of rigid cardboard that you can stand up and clip to your garage door. Stiff enough cardboard that you can hang pieces off of, and paint away. I use pieces of coat hanger to suspend even heavier stuff like brackets, etc.
I made my own. Some 2x3s, 1/4 in plywood and some nails.Got a bag of styrofoam peanuts free from local store that receives assorted special orders.Was goin to ship 3 NOS wheelwell trim to BC but the buyer backed out. Have it for later.This solves hopefully any chance of damages thru shipping.