Dang how did I miss this thread before? Love it! with those log header and small housing it should spool QUICK!
Thanks, that's what I'm hoping for! Wired up the MSD boost timing retard box. Almost finished the intercooler to intake side today, tomorrow crimp the beads on the ends of the pipes. Also my charge tube is a little closer to the down pipe then I'd like so I'll have to modify it.
Turbos are cool, but they always have been and will be a pain in the a$$! Takes me back to my days with Shelby Chargers...fast as hell, but they were a big p.o.s.!!
Haven't done much to the car lately, been collecting parts for a new engine. It started pushing coolant on low boost pulled the heads down and checked the decks, they don't look to good so time for a new engine. Need to save money for about a month and a half for a dart shortblock.
I started painting my car I hope to be done within 2 weeks. I'm just rattle canning it as I can't afford good paint right now. I think it looks pretty good so far.... teaser pic
Picked up a new(used) 5.0 h.o. from an 87 mustang. Plan is to put new bearings, rings, and oil pump in. I think I'm gonna run the stock heads and intake at first to get used to the megasquirt before putting on the trick flow heads and intake. [/URL][/IMG]
Small update, did one side of the spring tower notch. Hope to start the other side tomorrow. [/URL][/IMG]
Shave 'em. It'll be the next best thing to having a 2-door. I've actually seen quite a few 4-doors of various makes & models with the rear door handles shaved. Really improves the appearance of the car.