My wife asked if we were going north or south in the picture; trying to figure which day this was. The power tour is 7 cities in 7 days so things become a blur after a while. yes the car gets around this is our 5th long haul and 7th power tour trip. Last year's trip from Cocoa Beach to Detroit was the longest for us at 5100 miles round trip. It is a good way to kick off the summer car season in Minnesota LOL
It was a Friday and we were headed South. We were in a silver Honda (her rear window has a big pink pair of lips). I spotted your car in my rear view mirror somewhere close to the casino in OK just before the border. From there I began to try and keep up lol.. I was worried you/we would get pegged in Texas because the troopers like to sit just beyond the border.
Mavman1970, your car came up in conversation at Mid-america today. I stopped by Modern Driveline's trailer and talked to a buddy of yours. Sounds like your pretty well known after all the cross-country trips.
Heh that was the amazing part of that day because we never saw any troopers out; the traffic was what finally slowed us down. Gene we are going to drive the Power Tour next year and it will start in DFW since we finished there. I would llike to meet up with you and any other Maverick/Comet guys in the area. Better yet come join the road trip!
yes the car does get around as this was our 5th long haul and 7th Power Tour overall. We figured we have been in 31 states with the Maverick doing all these trips. I drive the car as much as I can during the summer season and have also done some long weekend trips with it to Good Guys events for example. Who did you talk with at Modern Driveline?
Can't remember his name, wasn't Bruce, grey haired fella, nice guy. I'm horrible with names anyway. Said he stays at your place surfing the CarCraft Nats. After the show I'm motivated again to work on my car... Last year that took two weeks to wear off... Hopefully I do better this time.
Hey mavman1970 it was me you talked to at Joplin with the red 72 Grabber. Great to meet and talk to ya. Brian
Will you talked to my friend Gary with Tremec and yeah he does stay with us when he comes to town for Car Craft so I will see him again in a few weeks. Yes going to see the cars at different events can really motivate a guy to get going on get going LOL Then you can join us on the Power Tour! Brian it was great to meet you too; keep in touch because if you do the Power Tour next year plan to drive with us. I can use another Ford guy in our group and another Maverick will be icing on the cake:Handshake