Seems the Georgia Grabber I am getting is a 1972, not a 1971 as I was told, it's not a problem for me, it is a true Grabber with the 93 in the vin number and an F for the 5th digit/character, renewing my Hagerty coverage for it today!
I imagine in this forum many many times, but we know the PROOF is in the VIN ...2K93F1***** Hi Ray, it's still in Georgia so I don't have any good pics yet.
Look at the're getting a newer car than you paid for. ...or you're new old car isn't as old as you thought it was. Either way you look at it...your getting a "REAL" Grabber. Glad to hear everything working out like it suppose to.
Me im glad my car isnt a real grabber that way all the purists dont jump my Schmidt every time I change something on my car... Sorry had to.. I giggle a little every time someone starts that stuff. But anyways congrats on the car and hurry up and get it home we want pics.
Mine's a "real Grabber" and I've changed everything there is to change. Nothing "Grabber" about it anymore but the spoiler. Nobody's ever bugged me about it. Actually the only thing I ever got grief about was when I had an HEI distributor and I'd hear people cuss about "that gawdang shivvylay part rurnin' that Ford..."
But there is no difference in a 71 or a 72, IS there? I mean other than the year, I am gonna have to buy a parts car for it (not really just my excuse to buy another Maverick ) I think I need a package tray for under the dash on this Green one coming down.
Honestly, I don't know if there is any difference. I also have a '72 Grabber, that's why I say it is the best.
I think about the only differences between the 71 and 72 mavericks (excluding LDO's) is the paint scheme is a little different on the grabbers. I know the horsepower rating method changed so the engine shows lower numbers but I cant remember if the 72 had a lower compression then the 71 or not.
Other than those snaggletoothed bumper guards available for the 72s, I don't think anything is really noticeable
As long as somebody hasn't moved the VIN from one car to another car in order to sell it as a REAL Grabber, because they perceive it being worth more. I would consider myself somewhat of a "purist"...but I have altered and modified the heck out of my REAL Grabber. Stripe package is the main difference. Slight interior differences. I have a 1971 interior in my 1972 Grabber because I like the 1971 interior better.
Hey roger I think you should have it droppoed off at my place for a couple years so i can make sure it's what you really wanted. ray
Apparently someones sarcasm detector is broken The purists I refer too are the ones that are trying to compete with the mustang purists... you know the ones that require the right paint mark on the side of the axle in the right shade of yellow approximately 3.0 inches from the spring perch on the passenger side...ect ect