A Maverick body with an engine and wheels to put these things in.......all the kick panels, a new in the box headliner and some NEWLY recovered rear seats and highback bucket seats with tracks and mounts.............$400.00 for all.
Nice seats. You ever give up on your Moneyburner project, give me a call, and we can work out a deal on those butt-buckets!
This will be number 17 for me, I ain't giving up, I'm looking now for some LDO type buckets, I gotta keep busy when I'm not working, as far as sleep goes....I don't get much of that.
I think I have what I need on it's way now!! Ya'll be looking for it traveling from Northern Georgia..... http://i1252.photobucket.com/albums...averick Grabber/MaverickGreenStreetBeasts.jpg