Well our legal system is working as planned. The young lad will get probation for his fun he had. What a freak/n joke. He watches me for 2 years, breaks into my shop and steals me car races it(admitting all this to the police) and he gets a slap on the wrist. The police did everything they could. But there is so many beds that the state gives to each county so that is that. The chances of the #%*^$# coming back to steal something else is so high it makes me sick. He has been there twice. No amount of cameras or alarm systems can stop him from coming. That is my soap box and I am done.
12 gauge and a big, mean dog! If he's screwed up before, chances are, he'll screw up again. Then maybe they'll put him where he belongs, in the cross bar motel!
Time for a really mean junkyard dog. I feel for you Chandler. I went through the same sort of thing about 5 years ago with some kid slashing my tires (he had a beef with my kid over a girl). Even got him on tape and nothing could be done. I ended up moving before the vandalism stopped. Sadly this is the America we live in today, there are no repercussions for almost anything.
That's brutal man. I'm very sorry to hear that. I hope you find it soon. Its an amazing car. I wish I could help, I live in Vancouver BC I doubt it will show up here.
I see you found the car. Thats great! I hope the crazy kid didn't do to much damage. Its got to be a relief to have it back though.
If you use a dog and a gun and he come back they will put your dog to sleep melt down your gun and put your ass in jail maybe even take your car. Good luck