Just something I found ... thought I post. I converted my 72 Comet to Granada front disc, manual disc MC. This make the original drum pedal sit too high. Others here have shortened the MC rod to make it work out. A couple weeks ago, I stumbled on a 77 Mav in the jy, that came from the factory with manual front discs. Got back home, and thought to myself that it has to have the right brake pedal for my combo, there for the taking. Good thing I looked hard at mine first ... they actually changed the brake pedal to go around the left side of the steering column. I guess that you probably couldn't buy a Mav with stick anymore in 77, because that is where the clutch pedal would have needed the space. In these cars, the parking brake had become a pedal, as well. The brake light switch setup wasn't the same either. I suspect if you wanted to change to the later pedal, you would need the whole pedal bracket too. Too many ifs ... I walked away from it. I don't want to rule out ever putting a stick in my car, so I guess I will be shortening the MC rod after all.
I have that same rod. Had over a year -- to lazy to have installed it. I just hate working under the dash -- Im sure that's why it still hangin on my wall. 1.) Did u have to remove the MC to install it? 2.) Are u using stock type MC? 3.) If so, did u have to modifiy either end?
I just pulled the old one out, installed the new one then adjusted it until I liked where the pedel was... still had to be under the dash tho... when I was happy I slammed on the breaks to lock the rod in place...
Jeff, Could it be that the 77 had power discs? I thought that the brake pedal went around the column left to angle the booster toward the motor and away from the tower so the MC didn't hit. Anybody who knows please chime in, it would be helpful to me since I am currently fabbing a power brake set up to fit with a 351W and R&C front.
Isn't there a snap ring on the mc "ball" end that holds the rod in? Don't u have to remove the ring to remove the rod?
It dose , I have a pair of vice grips with a slide hammer on it.. I just popped it loose with that, it came out pretty easy... When it was time to install the new one , I just put it in place and jammed on the breaks really hard and it snapped right in...(I'm sure it wasn't the right way to do it tho)
I will bring it providing I am able to attend. Having some issues w/ my left knee. May need surgery. Will/ should know soon. I wud be a little hesitant abt putting it in using that method. I have to be/feel positive, I did'nt distort/deform the ring w/ the possibility of it coming loose.
JM16, This car didn't have have power disc brakes ... it was definitely manual discs..... and it had more options loaded on it than I have ever seen otherwise ... it had the mythical courtesy lights under the dash ...( I have never seen them before, only heard about them). This is all part of why I think this guy actually worked for Ford. He probably knew what a bugger that booster was. The power brake setup that they installed was huge, and if you look at Craig Selvey's tech article, you will see they actually installed it, using a new hole in the firewall offset to the left, and it goes in on a bit of an angle. I do tend to think that moving the manual pedal over might have sprouted from that, but it looks to have used the original position for the MC. Just more room for the pedal with no clutch there.
Thanks for posting about the adjustable rod ... I'll have to look into that. Wasn't looking forward to messing with mine. Don't trust my welding skills enough yet for something as vital as brakes.