I care if mine or a friend’s car gets stolen. I know John Chandler and the thief watched the car for a while. Fortunately John got his car back after the thief joyrode it for a few days then got it stuck on a back road. Sometimes it isn't about the value of the car or parts. It has nothing to do with being on a hot List. Thief could be looking for a donor vehicle. The Maverick / Comet could have a nicely built engine and transmission or they could be looking for the popular disc brake spindles or the rear-end (popular due to the width)
it was just a question..."how many Mav/ Comets have been stolen that you know"... let's don't get our panties in a wad over it...
Got to agree with Frank. If my Maverick were sitting next to a 63 split window vette, I'm guessing that the vette would be stolen first. Having said that, I recommend everyone to insure their car for what it's worth. I can build another for what I have mine insured for. Granted I'd be upset, and I would have lost a ton of work that I put into it. But at the end of the day, it's just another piece of steel and not worth going to jail for killing the people stealing it. Like I heard in a movie once, "I'm older and better insured!"
I wish there was some sort of security pad that I could install when I replace the electrical harness. Would make it all much more simpler.
That's a pretty good idea. The power would be killed until you type in a code, or even fingerprint scanner (I have one at work...). Wouldn't help if it was picked up and towed away, though, and someone could then get in and remove the scanner.
I'm of the belief that if it happens, it happens. I park my classics in my back yard at home under a carport and behind a LOCKED 6' wood fence with beware of the dog signs on it, or in my garage. When I drive them, I always turn the steering to the full turn lock and either leave it in gear (manual) or park (auto) AND set the parking brake. For the newer stuff, if the factory installed equipment doesn't stop something from happening, it was going to happen anyway. Other than that, I don't worry about it. The Ins. will take care of everything else. -Scott H.
Quite a revival of an old thread. Being that I've had a car stolen, I wished I never got it back..... A kill switch will stop 80% of them every time, and if they get pissed off enough, maybe they'll burn it.
one of my Harleys had 3 attempts at being stolen...I had a pad lock on the rear sprocket, they rolled it until the chain/sprocket and lock engaged and then left it...
HA...neighbors would stop you before I did, and every cop in the county know where the car belongs. Oh, the house is unlocked too!!
I put a extremely loud car alarm in my truck, it would cause pain to anyone within about 10'. The downside it friends thought it was hilarious to set it off.
I say do what you can to stop the ametures then insure it for twice what it cost you to build it AND put lojack on it the lojack brings hope of finding it before they get to start tearing anything off or atleast before they get too far away whats the time for lojack? isnt it something like within 30 minutes from the time it was reported stolen they have an idea of where it is? GPS tracking is the best hope for recovering the car Im definitely investing in a kill switch a fuel shut off and a lojack system and maybe that ravelco set up. all seems like inexpensive extra insurance to me