What is the best way to get my carb/timing all tuned and running good? I've messed with it several times and it's good for a little bit but it always starts to act up after a little while. I'm not using any measurements or anything of the sort just playing by ear. Anyone have tips or is it just something I'll have to continue to tweak till I get what I want? And just extra info, I have about a quarter pedal of acceleration. Any more pedal I put into it my car just bogs down and acts like its not getting a steady fuel flow. Possibly just a bad mixture...?
Running a stock 200 I6. Replaced the carb (1bbl) about 3 months ago. What should I upgrade to? Never against an upgrade.
What kind of acting up is it doing? A few of the best investments I've made so far for tuning/reliability/consistency are: 1) Pertronix electronic ignition (getting rid of points was AWESOME! No more gap/dwell setting!) 2) Timing light (works well unless your distributor has been removed and put back in a few teeth off from where it was). 3) Vacuum gauge (tuned for max vacuum on idle, detects vac leaks, etc.) 4) Volt meter (lets me see if I'm getting power, how much voltage/resistance, check ground wiring, etc.)
I looked at pertronix a little bit. It just bogs down after a bit of pedal. And it starts/runs great the first time I start it. But if I turn it off. Wait a few mins and try to turn it on again it runs really poor and dies multiple times if stopped and in gear
What petronix did you install? I'm happy to give advice on getting it running right. Or am I reading that post wrong.
You're reading the post wrong, he's still running points. A good place to start would be a full tune up and at the same time, replacing the points with electronic. This should eliminate the ignition as the source of his problem.
probably not a bad idea to check that carb out too. A "quarter pedal of throttle until it bogs" would need to be a seriously bad timing curve or very poor spark to act like that. Much more likely to be fuel related, IMO.