Does anyone know if the 72 lines on a comet will work on a 73? It's a 4-door if that helps. All I can find close is 1972 lines for 60$. PreBent. I am thinking this should work but I am a novice and I just like to work on cars so help me out fellas. I really dont want to have to put a rubber heat tube and clamp it off an both ends.. I would much rather put in close too or same orig. I only need one replaced so let me know what you all think. you guys always help me out.. Good looken out
ok well im going to order them/ will I still need a bending tool? All I have is a Line Cutter. thanks, this makes it easier on me
I did it and only required patience to get them in place without kinking them. No other tools needed than wrenches.
72 on a 74 cooler lines i said 73 i meant 74. they fit but i cant get the piece to screw in opposite the radiator. it might be a little too big, no idea what to do next. i feel like cutting the old line and using heat res rubber. so again i think the screw is too big. will 72 cooler lines work on a 74?
so the end going into the transmission should crew in, it seems a tad to big but ill try again. I have the lines just cant get it to screw in.
There were different size fittings ( the ones in the radiator ). Take out the one you have and take it to the auto parts store and get the larger one. The end that screws into the radiator stays the same size. The end the metal line connects to has two different sizes!
i dont get what your saying? i cant get the line to screw into the transmission. It might need new threading. can I just take off that fitting. the part under the car sticking out of transmission. No idea what that is called