Again the stupid PO installed a dual exhaust in a state where it is not allowable. I have to remove all of it and go back to a single exhast. Are the parts still available froma company like walker or am I looking at a job doe by a muffler shop?
I have never heard of dual exhaust not being any State. If I remember correctly you are in So. Cal? Dual exhaust is allowed in California otherwise three of my cars would be illegal.
That is what I have read, I see you are up in Northern Californian, did you run dual cats and get by the smog station? Mine is a 77 and has cats and mufflers
Mines 1972 so it doesn't need smog. I have lived in both Nor Cal and So Cal ...your dual exhaust is allowed in California. I have a Cobra Mustang that I bought from the dealer in So Cal. They wouldn't be able to sell them with dual exhaust if it was illegal. Just think about the new Mustangs, Camaros, Challengers etc. that may come with dual exhaust.
From what I have gathered if your car came with a single you have to keep it single no mods unless you have a CARB sticker available
You can only get away with splitting the exhaust after the cat..Not a true duel exhaust but thats california for ya. Some rodders that have to smog their cars( 1976 and up) will swap parts before the inpection then swap again after. This is a pain but they do it including engines..The bigger issue is the converter cause they are expensive and wrecking yards i dont think can sell them anymore.(At least not around here)
It sounds like passing smog is actually what you are worried about. Go to your local smog test place and spend $25 for a pre-test and see if it will pass. If it doesn't pass then split the exhaust after the cat like bikerbuck65 said.
that is exactly what I am worried about, I was hoping to find a 75 or older but could not find one that was not a complete rust bucket.
I hear ya. The visual part of the inspection is what you would fail..There are some counties in California that have no smog laws for cars but they are few and far between..I wish i lived in one.Once you put on all the smog equip your car came with and if it still doesnt pass the sniff test your last option is the smog REF. Once they are satisfied that you did everything you could they can smog exempt your car. Good luck.
I may have found a shop that will pass me, now I have to get it up and running. I am not sure if it is the ignition module that is bad or something else. I am going to buy a new module tomorrow and go from there
you could ask for help with your diagnostic before buying parts theres alot of knowledge here. if you can come up with a problem chances are someone here has already had the same problem and knows exactly what to do to fix it. just post in the technical section if you go that route good luck smog can be a REAL PAIN
I am going to run some diags before I buy the module, first see if the plugs are firing etc. O am pretty sure that all the components other than the ignition module are 30 plus years old so replacing all the electronics may not be a gad idea