Looking at either a Vintage Air or Classic Auto Air Under dash system for my Son's 74 Maverick with a 250. Any recommendations or does anyone know of a behind dash system that works. Picking up a factory AC bracket and adapter.
Years ago a company made adapters to mount the modern style ac compressors on old Ford brackets. We used to offer these at our auto parts store. I had one left and left it with a friend. Fortunately he never used it so he is shipping it to me.
We have an under dash unit at my dads house that was used in the older vehicles that came without a/c. If you got the compressor brackets covered then you just need to mount this unit under the dash and go see RMAC in Glendale to have the hoses made. Only thing is Im not sure if the under dash is deep enough to get it in there without sticking out too far. Looks like they use similar units in the kits here, http://www.oldairproducts.com/catal...derdash-ac-systems-c-1_32000000_38000000.html for $940 you can get everything new. Or piece it togethor. I have a condenser with drier attached in my attic I took off my car many years ago I would sell you. And my dad should have some used under dash pieces we took out of trucks. Also last time I was at Ecology they had some old ford car with an underdash unit in it, was about a month ago.