I last had my engine running about three years ago. Can't remember actually how long but it's been a long time.. Anyway. I will be ready to fire it up again soon and was wondering what I might do as I do this. Should I take the plugs out and crank till the battery dies? lol.. There has been no fuel in it since.. The carb has been rebuilt since also.. Can a trans go bad sitting like that?
I would change the coolant and ATF if its an automatic transmission. Don't know about 3 years but the ATF that remained in the pan after draining was like Jello after 19 years. Anti-freeze can get acidic and eat aluminum parts. Maybe that's not so true anymore -- not sure.
If it's got points, you might have to clean them real good or just replace them. If the seals in the tranny haven't been leaking they will likely be okay.
Pull the plugs, shoot some ATF into each hole, then crank it without the plugs in til you get oil pressure. Replace the plugs and fire it off, it'll be fine.
The motor was rebuilt in 94. It has about 10 to 15k miles on it. I remember putting in that slick 50 stuff .