Hello Maverick Members. wanted to say hello to every one and I hope to learn and show or teach every thing about mavericks. I have had one for 32 years. Well I have had 7 mavericks 2 comet GTs 1 maverick Grabber which I have now. Not sure how to use every thing yet but Ill put up some pics if I can find that button. I have some views on HHO or hydrogen cells for more power and gas mileage. Zzoorroo Says Its better to Turn and Burn than just fade away.
Welcome to the greatest Mav/Comet site on the net. Nice to see another Oregonian on here as we are few
23 orgonians on here mate! Welcome to the site, love the pictures you uploaded... 32 years and multiple cars nice! I have had one less than 3 months and its already been a headache lol!
Thank you for the welcome guys. I have never joined anything before so I am new at this. I let my mav set for 7 years until a few months ago and I desided to bring it back from the dead. I have done many things to it from front to back. The main thing is I am enjoying driving it again. Its around a 11 to 12 second car in the quarter mile. I just punched out the motor 40 over and added lots of fun parts. I have 60 miles on it so fare and seems to be running pretty good. I also have some parts I have collected threw the years that some may need. I will list them some other time. There are some nice cars on the web site and I dont think I have ever seen a maverick wagon before thats very cool. got to go back later Zzoorroo
Take it over to the All Ford Weekend at Woodburn Dragstrip Sunday August 19th, car show,swap meet,drag racing, you will see a few more Mavericks me included. Always a good car show