Wow its been a long time since iv been here guys hope everyone has been well myself i was recently blessed with 2 beautiful children a little boy and a little girl,,,recently iv been tryin to get back to my 1st true love,,,bought some cobra rs for her now i just have a little problem,,,,my fuel sender started leaking,,,,out of.the weld on the tube,,,,i looked em up on ebay,,,,wow 119 bucks,,,so i loked up mustang 2 (got the lock ring and rubber seal from napa off of one) and they was 30 so my question is what fuel sending units would fit? If any or do i gotta buy a 119 dollar unit lol thanks guys,,,my car is a 73 was stock straight 6 swapped it to a 302 borded 40 over ported and polished.heads ahat good stuff mike
Its missing.the.hole.float arm and everything,,,how it got like that idk lol it was a one car owner before me
bump any one have any info on this? trying to swap my neon this winter so i wanna drive my mavi and just get it done in general