We finally had some sun for the first time in about a month, so I finally got the opportunity to drive the Comet for the first time this year a couple of days ago. Drove it for a couple of very short test drives earlier to try and sort out any "glitches" after this winters upgrades, still a few things I have to fix but I think I'll wait until it's back in for winter storage Thought the new stance looked pretty good, and took a couple of pics: This winter it got a new 9" with a locker, new 4-leaf springs from laurel mountain mustang, 1/2" taller shackles from autokrafters as well as a bunch of other stuff that scooper got me I'm having trouble with the carb though, considering just replacing it with a brand new carb next winter instead.. It was a pain all of last season as well, one of the mixture screws kept unscrewing itself Now, after changing the rear end gear ratio, I can't seem to get the mixture right for accelerating.. Drowns if i floor it, and it seems that the mixture gets too thin when trying to rev a bit slower.. Doesn't get enough gas at the rpm's where it makes max hp/torque..
awesome! post some more pictures with norwegian scenery... which shackles did you get? did you drop the front? 16" wheels? the stance look perfect.
Thank you, I'm pretty pleased with it myself Ordered the new axle 1.25" ( if I remember correctly) wider than the original 8", that got the wheels a bit more out. Shackles are from autokrafters 4" tall, original ones are 3 1/2". I did not drop the front any, it almost looks like that though. Last year the wheel arches where sort of even in height, but now I almost have that "80's look" Wheels are 17x8 Torq thrust II's that I bought right after I got the car, still have the weld wheels that was on it when I bought it too Will try and get some new pics next weekend, there's a big american car meet with street legal drag racing and everything then
Well you already know how much I like your car .. Looks amazing. Now quit stalling and send me a pic or two with you in the car for the calendar
Crap, I love that vinyl top!! A guy had one for sale at the Roundup, new in the box for $85....and I have that trim....
I'll take some new pics next weekend, hopefully the weather is as good as it was when i took these Forecast says cold and rainy though