what is the problem? Dirty fuel can be filtered, but old gas that wont burn must be replaced. (I have same year and engine) If your tank is rusty repalce it, or get a marine "spin-off" type inline filter and mount it somewhere.
Just the standard additive for fuel...Just curious what brands everyone has found to work best...I've used Heet a few times and mostly Lucas. Dont know about others like gumout.
seafoam,berryman b12 products,marvel mystery oil are some of the better ones but that being said im not sold on additives in fuel if you smell of most of them they have a kerosene/mineral spirits base
Sorry - totally disagree with this ...... the regular around here barely is 90 RON octane and a stock 200 CID from 1970 is recommended by Ford to use at minimum 94 RON octane rating. (see any owners manual for this) It might have been regular back in the day - but with todays fuel I would never put regular fuel in my tank, specially with the ethanol in regular today.
i use cheveron fuel additive. ive seen testing that i can believe where its techron additive is very effective. the other additive that i really believe in is lucas fuel system treatment.
I like the Techron additive personnally if you feel you need it. The best additive for older engines is still the lead they removed in the mid 70's.