Hi all, just found this site and it looks so good I thought I would join, so here I am. I own a 1970 Ford Maverick that I bought from the original owner in 1987, I drove it for 10 years with it's 250 ci 6 cyl and then turned it into a 1/4 mile race car with a aluminum cylinder head 302 I built myself using a empty 302 block I bought for 50 bucks, the car runs 12.22 @ 112mph in the 1/4 would like to post pics but the site is not allowing me to do so yet so I guess theres a waiting period. oh and I am a 52 year old retired auto tech.
From sunny California. I also have a drag only Maverick, 1970.............although I've only had it for 3 years.
Welcome to the site. Tempted to build a 302 but I don't know if I would ever even need it as I only plan on driving the car not racing. Still trying to figure out how to rebuild the 200... the stinking book I bought covers everything over 200...
I lived in Tucson from 1975 to 1982 and I go back every year for vacation and I plan on moving there again as I miss it there.