I received the 2013 catalog in the mail today. I think this is the first new one for the last few years. A couple of things I noticed was first the nice car on the cover from a member here. They also had the rear marker light body gaskets that they haven't had before. Also a sweet modern radio that is a direct fit for the 70-73 bezel for $199. Lots of good stuff.
If you call them and tell them you're a member of this forum they are suppose to send you one free. That's the deal they made a couple years ago if they keep it. I've never paid for one of them.
Wow...didn't know about that thanks! Would like to have a hardcopy I am just to cheap I guess to pay $5.00 for a catalog trying to selling me something. :16suspect
My car is on the cover? That is news to me ... Could somebody post a picture?? I have not seen it and it's not on their website.
Maybe they'll sell you a catalog Dan! If nobody posts a pic before I get home I'll post it for you. It looks great!
I'll also post it when I get home if it hasn't been done yet. I also noticed it has your name on the inside cover so I assumed you had given them the pic or at least permission.
I think many years ago when they first decided to have a catalog they had asked for cover shots. I see that they printed both a 2008 catalog and a 2010 catalog with members cars. So if I did send them a picture (which I vaguley remember doing) .. it had to be 5 or 6 years ago ...
Yep, I first thought that ole Dan has been brown nosin them but I'm pretty sure it's an old pic. We're gonna let you sled this time.