well after posting my first post on here now it wont work. 73 maverick with a 250 6cyl was runing ok but would die out randomly if you gave it to much gas. after the car was warm it seemed better. Today when I went to go to work it wouldnt start. I finaly got it started after almost killing the battery. If you give it gas in park it will rev up but seem to bog and almost die if you give it to much to quickly. If i put it in drive and give it any gas it will die out. Hmmmmm What to do first?
is there any exhaust restriction that may have happened since it last ran good? inspect the exhaust for possible issue such as enlarged muffler from maybe to much fuel dumped into the exhaust and caused an explosion inside the muffler and is now blocking it. if all that is o.k. maybe your needle valve has a small piece of dirt on the seat and is causing the float setting to be incorrect. allmost forgot check for vacuum hoses that may have come of, and the small 90 rubber hose at the trans vacuum modulator is common for it to get oil on it and swell up and fall off causing a vacuum leak
thanks for the help guys. I guess I got something to do this weekend. Any other tips? Think the carb could need a rebuild or replaced? Do you think I should do a compression check to check out the health on this thing? A friend here said it was a good idea. Ive got to replace the valve cover gasket its an oily mess.
i bought a carburator rebuild kit for like $15 and it ran fine for awhile but then i went and bought a rebuilt one.
If the car has sat a lot, I would guess the carb needs rebuilt as mentioned, or you have junk in the gas tank that has now been vibrated loose and has made it's way to clog the carb.
still havent got it started but found a few things. 1. Some one siphoned my tank dry( I filled it up a few days ago but never would have known they did that cause the gas gauge didnt work. 2. Pulled the float level and found the filter on the end is almost completely clogged. 3. fuel float has a crack and filled with fuel. now I guess i have to find a way to jerry rig this some how. Anyone know of any thing that will swap over?
You can buy a new filter and float from a Mustang supplier, and just clean up the rest of your sender if it's decent. There are some posts about using a Mustang one as a replacement. I'm sure someone will post the info anyways.
That's going to be my guess too. With the sender out take a good look inside with a flashlight. I'm betting it's rusted out badly. Probably has pinholes in it too and the gas leaked out.
i found a guy here local off of craigslist and got another tank. looks in good shape. what do you think of fixing the crack in the float with epoxy?