At first I thought you were kidding then I saw you were not local and it is a real question. The Woodward Dream Cruise is this weekend. It is billed as the largest 1 day automotive event in the world. A million and a half people and over 40,000 cars. Here is the link, check it out
jm16, nope not kidding. Currently in Milwaukee, going to Port Huron to visit family this weekend. We don"t have too many car shows in Fairbanks/North Pole Alaska, and when we do have a car's the same 20 cars. Thanks for the info. Acornridgeman, I thank you too for the info. Plenty too pick from.
OMG, THAT WAS FANTASTIC. Saw 3 Mavericks, 1 green with black top, parked with no driver/owner around. And 2 butterscotch driving woodward. Had a great time, the weather was excellent too. Thank you for the info guys.
I saw a few Mavericks, Shawn Simpsons (rode in it) , Dale Suich's 4 door, and Lee Richart's (he was going the other way) and a Black one (I've seen before) and a Red one with black stripes (never seen before) and this White one: Then, the super clean, Clipper Comet was there, selling books:
I saw few mavericks, saw a really nice one not sure comet or mav but had alot of shiny stuff on the road, was parked bit far from road in middle of a park to make out. Drove by a red grabber with black stripes, talked to the owner while driving, member of mcci actually... saw a black one parked on the side of the road. Could I have been one of the butterscotch mavs?
The butterscotch Mavs (or Comets) were probably the Richart cars. The Red Grabber (MCCI Member) is Scott Binkley's car I would imagine.
The Butterscotch Mavericks/Comets were traveling together. Here are pics of the 71 Maverick, extremely clean. Anybody know who's car it is?