i just drove my car around the block and it has power steering but the steering is real stiff its like it doesnt have power steering i checked the fluid and its full theres no leaks so i dont no what the problem is.
Has the car been sitting for a while? Could be air in the system. Bleed the system by raising the car off of the ground and secure on jack stands. Crank the steering wheel several times all the way from left to right. Start the engine and repeat the process. If the problem persists and you don's have any leaks it is most likely the pump. It may be a good idea to drain the system and fill with fresh fluid and bleed it as well. Fluid is cheaper than a pump and many systems are never bled and refilled with fresh fluid. I always run a power steering filter in the return line as insurance. Most power steering pump failures are caused by contaminated fluid. Power steering fluid is like any other fluid and does "wear out" and get dirty. Few people ever drain and refill with fresh fluid unless they are doing a repair. If it does end up being the pump (or any other component) that needs to be replaced make sure you bleed the system as outlined above. Hope this helps.
the power non power steering cars are still easy to turn as long as they ahve the manual steering set up. cars that have the power steering set up and it doesnt work will take some effort to turn my comet doesnt have power steering and its easy to turn.
it steers fine its just a little frustrating that when i have power steering and ive tried all the solutions but a new pump and it doesnt work.
Maybe a silly question, but did you check to see if the belt is on the pump? I agree it's most likely the pump.....but always check the simple stuff first.