Hey guys it looks like we should all meet up one of these days. And yes my car is here and sitting in my driveway. :bananaman Speaking of carbs I will have to look into one. I never realized they were that cheap. The guy I baught my car from rebuilt it and it still runs like a dog especially since it is getting cold. But that is not stopping from enjoying it. I took it out last night. A little scary on 287 during rush hour. By the way I am off of exit 14 of 287 in the Bridgewater area.
Hey guys, finally got my new carb today. Put it on and it sounds great. Took it out for a test drive and when you hit the gas its as if the car is starving for gas. Fuel pump is not leaking and everythign looks fine. Maybe it's sucking air from somewhere? Help! Car is a 1974 Maverick 6 cylinder I-200. Thanks guys! I'm up for meeting if I can get this thing running right!
Check to see if there are any crimped lines. So it is idleing fine and starting up ok? I would check for the fuel filter. There could be something in there. How long was it sitting bfore you got a hold of it? There might be a possibilty of junk being in the tank. Mine does not like to start in the cold with out a little choke cleaner and letting it warm up after 10 minutes. Also, how long are letting it warm up before trying to move it? Good luck there and keep us posted .
Thanks for the suggestions guy. Brand new reman-carb, new fuel filter, all lines are hooked up. Starts on the first try, idles perfect. As soon as you put it in drive and take off it starts to buck like its running out of gas. I was hoping to have it running this weekend, dying to take it for a cruise!
Check the main jet. I bought a rebuilt carb once for my 67 Mustang and it idled great but would fall flat on its face when I tried to drive it. After talking with the manufacturer, I found out the main jet was for a calif car. Swapped in the jet from the old carb and ran like a top.
I assume you know how to adjust the air fuel mixture? And how to be sure the accelerator pump is working? I'm gonna guess you have the Carter RBS 1bbl like I do, I have rebuilt mine as well as opened the jet a bit with a mig gun tip cleaner and mine runs great. Real simple carbs so you can't be far from fixing it
No, i have the carter YF. I haven;t adjusted anything. Just put it on and it started right up. Would the air/fuel mixture effect the way it drives without effecting the idle?
Yes and no. What I do is start car and let it warm up good before adjusting. Turn the screw in (clockwise) until the engine starts to bog, then turn back open 1.5 turns. If no change occurs while turning screw in then you have vaccum leak. The engine should bog more and more as you tighten the screw.If so, this part is ok, proceed to open the screw until the engine gets to it's smoothest point just outside of the bog, then loosen 1.5 turns. The more you loosen it the more fuel it lets through. The idle should remain the same when done.
Ronn....THANK YOU! I started off fresh this morning. Did exactly what you said and the car is running like a dream! I was running it up and down the highway today. Amazing! Thanks again to everyone for all your help! Now that its running gonna try to get the leaf springs done this week and do the brakes. Going to look at a 73 parts car tomorrow. If I get it I'll post some pics if you guys need anything I don't use. Steve
Is'nt it funny though, it's the smallest things that end up making the biggest difference Glad thats all it was and everything is good.