So i put a dual out header on my 250 I6 but i had to put a mini starter on, however when i try to crank the car all im getting is a click from the starter solenoid. Battery is getting power, solenoid is getting power, and starter is getting power but the car is still not cranking only clicking. Any thoughts?
first thought is that its wired wrong. the fender mounted solenoid is usually used to trigger the solenoid on the starter. so there should be wire around 10 gauge going from the solenoid to the small tab on the starter. then there needs to be a battery cable coming from the battery going to the big post on the starter. if you have it wired correctly, then you may have a starter that is wrong for the flex plate, or a bad starter or a sized up engine
Sorry for the long reply, got the wiring right and it will start, run for about 5 seconds, and then shut off. Initially thought it was the fuel pump, replaced it, same deal. Any suggestions?
it could be losing spark or have a fuel problem. will it restart right away or how long till it will restart? if it wont restart right away, check to see if you have spark when cranking. post when you have more info.
it will restart right away, it gets fuel to the filter, stays on for a few seconds, and then cuts off.
If your asking if it has a hole in it then, no. if your asking something else then i havent a clue what you mean
it does seem like a fuel problem. can you keep it running by reving it up to 2500 rpm or so and not letting it go back down to idle or will it still die.
i can but it will shut off. i talked to my father about it, we both think there is a vacuum leak somewhere cause it will get fuel all the way to the carb.
it wont stay running long enough for me to even turn the key off. Cranks>runs for 5 seconds> dies without turning the ignition off
i would check for the fuel volume that the fuel pump can pump. i would remove the fuel line from the carb. put it into a 1 or 2 liter bottle. take the power wire off of the coil so there is no spark. crank the car for about 5 seconds watching the fuel going into the bottle. i would expect at least 1 cup of gas to be pumped in that amount of time. if you get hardly any fuel then you have a a problem with the fuel lines, pump, filter, or tank. if you get plenty of fuel then you have a problem with the carberator it self.
so youve done all of this but you have not shared the results. why did you replace the fuel pump? did you test it or did you just feel like replacing it? you say 5 seconds. is that the actual amount of time every time or just what it seems like to you. does it stay running for 10 seconds some times and other times dies off in 2 seconds. the problem is your not giving enough information for us to be able to diagnosis what is wrong with the car. have done anything to check to see if your loosing spark when the car dies?