Calling all you Canadian Members EAST of Toronto! I purchased a 1971 Yellow Maverick Grabber back on August 10th. The shipping company has just gotten the car past the border in Port Huron, MI and as of today, the car sits in a secured compound until it hits the road on Monday Sept 4th. It is headed for Saint John, NB. I have been peeing my pants waiting for this car to arrive and I can't take it anymore! THE CHALLENGE: For every member on the forum here that posts a clear picture of my car in transit (in this thread), I will personally donate $20USD to Stefan which will go towards running the site! If you are not already a supporting member, then maybe "The Big Cheese" could see fit to accept the $20 on your behalf to make you a Supporting Member!! **Limit ONE $20 reward per member** Again, the car leaves Toronto on Monday and will be headed East to Saint John, NB. BEFORE I GET FLAMED, I am NOT rich, but I would LOVE to have these pictures to start my "Album" off right AND I think this would be a fun thread, and I would like to show Stefan some support for keeping this place up and running. I have some catching-up to do, as I've been missing for the last 10 years or so, so he can consider any of these payments as "back-payments". So, let's see some pictures of MY CAR IN TRANSIT and have some fun!!!
Crap, it'll be going right by me (I live 5 minutes from the 401, and about the same from the 402), and if I knew this earlier I would have had one of the guys in Sarnia to get me a pic for you.
Dave: I had mentioned in a few of my other posts that the car was crossing at Port Huron, and I figured someone may see it and catch a cell-phone photo or something. then I thought that giving some incentive and helping the out just might be the most effective way to get some pictures Having said that, of course... I hope I don't get TOO many pictures, or the ol' VISA could be in for a rude awakening!! PS NO e-mails to my wife!! She'd kill me
Well, I was talking to the shipping company and the Mavy should be at the local towing yard later today. They told me that the local towing company will contact me to arrange for drop-off at my house just outside the city. If I don't hear from the local guys by mid-morning tomorrow, I'll be surprised. So if there's any (and I know there are cars around here) Maverick/Comet owners from Saint John or southern New Brunswick on this board, then you have a chance to get in on the action! For the rest of you, thanks for watching and it's too bad you never crossed paths with my new baby. Dave B: I'm disappointed you didn't take the last two days off and campout on the 401 to earn a free year as a supporting member! Where's your dedication??? Speaking of days off, I think one is in order for me tomorrow! I'll need it just to get all the foolish paper work and running around done for the DMV.
Tell me about it! I'm expecting the call any minute now from the Towing company, and I'll have to tell them to wait until 5pm to deliver it, because I can't get the time off! Then I'll have to wait until Saturday to get to the DMV. Oh well, at least it will finally be hope...
Okay. Deep breaths! I haven't been called by the local towing guys yet, so I call the shipping company's regional office to find out what's going on. I talk to the girl and she says she'll call me back in 5 minutes, as she has to call the driver of the car carrier. 5 minutes turns into an hour and she finally calls back. She says the car is safe (that made me worry immediately!), but the car was delivered to HALIFAX!! C'mon! That means that the truck driver blew past Saint John yesterday and didn't even stop! So that's over 300 kms out of the way. They are going to 'bump' another car (read: yet another soon to be diappointed customers' car) to put mine on a truck heading back to New Brunswick. I have been waiting for so long to find a car like this, and now it's been on the road for almost a MONTH, and they drove past my city, into another province! So maybe tomorrow...??? IDK This sucks! I don't even care about pictures anymore, I just want my car!
Man I feel for you, I know what it's like to wait on getting a Maverick twice now myself, on this last one I sent all the money for the delivery and he still stalled it for a week, I went and hooked up to it for it's final 30 miles and brought it home myself at 11:00 PM.