Looks like you lost a little weight. Looks better already, and you can always use your old bumper for a park bench later.
Yeah ... I forget to measure but I would think the A$$ end lifted at least 1/2 inch when that thing was removed .... It's already in the dumpster .. no room in the garage for late model spare parts .... Just gotta drill some holes for the rear spoiler now ... Maybe tomorow I'll have the front off as well. I decided to go full retro and have an early non-Grabber grill with center medallion that I'll be putting on the front. I'll wire the driving/directional lights up to the small lights under the front bumper in the valance ...
Someday the big bumpers will be all the rage and we will all kick ourselves for tossing out all those parts for BIG bumper conversions. lol
Some things I have tossed out over the years. 289 k code intake ( who would ever want a stupid cast iron intake?) a first generation stock 4 spd shifter for a mustang ( try and find one now) I buried a good 428 cobra jet, complete and ran good ( my Dad was sick of me turning his garage into a parts dept.) crazy huh? Dan
That reminds me ... my 3 uncles were all into cars and hot-rodding. My GrandMother still lives in the same house where they all grew up. I have been told there are at least a dozen engines buried throughout the property.
I remember doing my 77. What a dramatic difference it makes. What are you going to do about all the holes in the tail light panel and quarter panel?
I like my big bumpers, too many stupid drivers around here . What are the rest of you`r plans for it now ?
Wow, are we the only COOLEST guys around with our 73's and Ford factory Gold Glow #6F paint!? lol, looks like mine cept you have one very important thing I don't yet...a garage Nice work BTW.